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BigCommerce Order Import - Deleting Company Name


With the BigCommerce Order Import flow, we are updating existing B2B customer records and the company name is being deleted as of a result. In order to prevent this from happening, we need to update the BigCommerce bundle (ID: 119235) to version or higher. Also, we need to update the customer mapping for the company name to the company name, first_name to name, last_name to lastname, and if the company name is null, set Individual to true.

Export field (BigCommerce) Import field (NetSuite)
first_name Name
last_name lastname
{{#if$.company}}false{{else}}true{{/if}} Individual
company Comapny Name
The resulting logic will be, during order import, when an existing customer is found, no updates will be made to the customer record. If the customer record is not existing, a new customer will be created by the Customer Import flow and it will do one of the following:
  • If Company Name is null, the customer record will be created as an individual. The company name will not be set since this field will not be available for the Company Type customer record. First and Last names will be set.
  • If Company Name has a value, then the customer record will be created as type 'company' (Individual set to false). The Company Name will be set to the value of a company from BigCommerce and First and Last Names will not be populated since the fields will not be available for the company customer type.
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