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Configure Amazon MFN order settings

Before running data flows, you may want to set up the data flow and save the settings.

You can customize the order settings as described below:

  • Filter orders based on the time of their creation, duration in days, or order status.
  • Map the shipping methods between the systems.
  • Configure how you can import the orders and customer information from Amazon to NetSuite before you run the data flow. 

General tab

The General tab present under Settings > Order (MFN) contains the following fields that let you control the way orders are synced to NetSuite from Amazon.

General tab - Configure MFN orders settings.png

  • Filter orders by: Select the time filter for which you want to filter the orders. Based on the value selected in the drop-down list, the associated orders within the specified duration are synced from Amazon to NetSuite. 
    You can either select:
    • Last modified time (recommended): Select this option to sync orders that moved from Pending status to Not Shipped status.
    • Creation time: Select this option to sync orders which were created prior to the current date. If this option is selected, you need to specify the number of days for which you want to sync the orders in the Duration in days setting. Every time the flow is run, orders will be synced for the duration specified.

      Example: If you enter the number 5 in the Duration in days setting and the current date is 06th January, the orders will be synced from 01st January till 06th January.

    Note: The recommended option is to select Last modified time and leave the Duration in days setting blank. The Last modified time option is a delta flow (searches for the latest or updated orders).

  • Duration in days: Specify the duration for which the orders need to be synced in days. The duration will be calculated from the current date till the specified number of days in the past. You can back date the order flow using the Duration in days setting which will bring all the old orders into Netsuite. A duplicate check will be done automatically in the order flow to ensure existing orders won't be duplicated. However, if the duration is too long, you will encounter Amazon throttling errors if there is a heavy load of orders during this time period.

    Example: If you want to sync orders for the last week, you would specify the number as 7 in this setting.

  • Go Live Date: Specify the date from when you want to start syncing orders. All Amazon orders created prior to this date will be ignored.

    Note: When specified, this date takes precedence over the Duration in days setting.

  • Sync orders when order status is: This setting allows you to select the order statuses. Based on the order statuses selected, orders will be synced with NetSuite. The recommended options for selection are Unshipped and Canceled. To understand more about canceled orders, refer to Import Amazon MFN canceled orders.
  • Item aliases are configured in NetSuite: If you have configured item aliases in NetSuite, by checking this box it allows you to link multiple Amazon SKUs with a single SKU in NetSuite. For more information, refer to Item Aliases.

To understand the various fields present under the General tab better, let's assume that,

  • Today's date and time of flow execution is 06th January 08:00 HRS
  • You have scheduled the Amazon (MFN) Order to NetSuite Order Add flow to run after every 15 minutes,
  • The values mentioned in the table below are entered under Settings > Order (MFN) > General.
Scheduled Flow Run Date and Time (in hours) Go Live Date Filter orders by Duration in days Description
06th January 08:15 03rd January Creation Time 3

Note: Mandatory if Creation Time is selected in the Filter orders by setting.

Orders received (Creation date and time) between 03rd January 00:00 through 06th January 08:15 will be synced to NetSuite.

Note: This setting can be used when running and scheduling the flow for the first time. Later, you must change the value of the Filter orders by setting to Last Modified Time.

06th January 08:15 08th January Last Modified Time NULL Orders modified between 08th January 00:00 and after will be synced to NetSuite from Amazon.
06th January 08:15 NULL Last Modified Time 3 Orders modified between 03rd January 00:00 through 06th January 08:15 will be synced to NetSuite from Amazon.
06th January 08:15 NULL Last Modified Time NULL Orders modified between 06th January 08:00 through 06th January 08:15 will be synced to NetSuite from Amazon.

The following diagram illustrates how various fields available under the General tab let you sync Amazon orders to NetSuite and also demonstrates how a delta flow works.

Amazon MFN order settings

  • When the Amazon (MFN) Order to NetSuite Order Add flow is being run for the very first time, it will not sync any received/modified orders to NetSuite. considers the first run date and time as a reference to run the flow again as per the configured schedule.
    For example, if you run the Amazon (MFN) Order to NetSuite Order Add flow on 06th January 08:00 for the first time and schedule it to run every 15 minutes, then for the first run, no orders will be synced to NetSuite.
    As per the configured schedule, the flow will run again after 15 minutes at 06th January 08:15, and the orders received/modified between 06th January 08:00 through 06th January 08:15 will be synced to NetSuite.
  • For users who want to go live with the Amazon - NetSuite integration app immediately or in the future:
    When scheduling and running the Amazon (MFN) Order to NetSuite Order Add flow for the first time, set the Filter orders by drop-down list box to Creation Time and also specify a value in the Duration in days field. Later, you must change the value to Last Modified Time. This will help you sync all the orders from Amazon to NetSuite without missing any.

Shipping tab

The Shipping tab present under Settings > Order (MFN) lets you map the shipping methods between Amazon and NetSuite. You can also provide a default shipping method to be used in case no match is found.

Shipping tab - Configure MFN orders settings.png

  1. Click the Map Ship Methods accordion to map the shipping methods between Amazon and NetSuite. 
  2. Select the shipping methods in Amazon in the Amazon Ship Method setting. Click Refresh (Refresh button) adjacent to the setting if no options are displayed when you click on the setting.
  3. Select the shipping method in the NetSuite Ship Method setting. This selection will be mapped to the selection made in the Amazon Ship Method setting. Click Refresh (Refresh button) adjacent to the settings if no options are displayed when you click on the setting.
  4. If no match is found for the shipping method values entered in the Amazon Ship Method and NetSuite Ship Method settings, you can use one of the options in the Action to take if unique match not found section to select and map the shipping method:
  • Fail record: Select this option if you want an error message to be displayed when a new value is selected in the Amazon Ship Method setting and a corresponding value is not selected in the NetSuite Ship Method setting.
  • Use Empty String as Default Value: Select this option when you want to use the empty string as default value. If this option is selected, records with empty values (no shipping method has been selected) will be synced without any error message being displayed. If the shipping method is required to be selected (which is usually the case in NetSuite), then this option should not be selected.
  • Use Null as default value: Select this option if you wish to use null as default value. If this option is selected, records with null values (for example, records where data is entered by pressing the spacebar key on the keyboard or junk data has been entered) will be synced without any error message being displayed. If the shipping method is required to be selected (which is usually the case in NetSuite), then this option should not be selected.
  • Use Custom Default Value: Select this option when a shipping method is not mapped in the Map Ship Methods accordion and you want NetSuite to assign the shipping method to the selected default value in this option. If this option is selected, the Default Lookup Value setting will appear. You need to select the default value from the options available in the drop-down list. The options that appear in this drop-down list need to be created in NetSuite.

Orders tab

The Orders tab present under Settings > Order (MFN) lets you control the orders that can be synced from Amazon to NetSuite.

Orders tab - Configure MFN orders settings.png

  • Amazon order IDs: This setting is used to control the orders that can be synced from Amazon to NetSuite. This setting is mostly used for selecting the orders that are synced using the Amazon (MFN) order to NetSuite order Add (on-demand sync) flow. You can provide up to 50 Amazon order IDs in this setting, but each order ID must be a comma separated value.The order IDs in this setting will trigger the Amazon (MFN) order to NetSuite order Add (on-demand sync) flow.
  • NetSuite discount item to track Amazon item discounts at line-level (recommended): Lets you choose the corresponding NetSuite item to track promotion/discount amounts on your Amazon orders. Promotion codes applied on the Amazon SKUs are mapped to the eTail Discount Code field at the line level on the Sales Order record in NetSuite. The selected item is shown as a separate line item below the original line item on the NetSuite sales order. For more information, refer to Manage Amazon item discounts at line-level. Click Refresh (Refresh button) adjacent to the settings if no options are displayed when you click on the setting

    Limitation: When you select an option in this setting, a call is made to NetSuite and a maximum of 1000 discount items is returned. If you have more than 1000 discount items in NetSuite, add a prefix to the discount items so that the results appear in the first call.

  • NetSuite discount item to track Amazon item discounts at cart-level: Choose a NetSuite discount item from the drop-down list to track the total promotion or discount amounts at the cart-level in NetSuite.
  • NetSuite item to track Amazon Gift Wrap amounts and taxes: Select the NetSuite item to track gift wrap amounts/taxes on the Amazon orders. You need to create a non-inventory item in NetSuite to add it to this setting. The Integration App will create an order line with this item for the total gift wrap amounts and taxes. It's recommended to uncheck the Can be Fulfilled/Received (isfulfillable) box for the selected item record in NetSuite.  Click Refresh (Refresh button) adjacent to the setting in, if no options are displayed when you click on the setting.
  • NetSuite item to track Amazon Shipping amounts and taxes: This setting is used when shipping tax is charged for the Amazon order. A line item will be added for the shipping costs and that will override the tax amount charged in NetSuite with the amount charged by Amazon. Select the NetSuite item to track shipping amounts/taxes on the Amazon orders. You need to create a non-inventory item in NetSuite to add it to this setting. The Integration App will create an order line with this item for the total shipping amounts and taxes. It's recommended to uncheck the Can be Fulfilled/Received (isfulfillable) box for the selected item record in NetSuite. Click Refresh (Refresh button) adjacent to the setting in, if no options are displayed when you click on the setting.
  • NetSuite substitute item to track shipping discount: Select a NetSuite item to track shipping discount and taxes for the Amazon orders. In NetSuite, create an item of "Discount" type to add it to this setting. The order flow creates an order line with this item for the shipping discount amount and taxes. An item must be selected in the NetSuite item to track Amazon Shipping amounts and taxes setting before a substitute item can be selected in this setting.
  • Exclude Canceled Items: Check this box to exclude/ignore syncing a canceled item in Amazon, i.e., item with 0 quantity. If this checkbox is unchecked, the canceled item will be synced as a closed line.

Customers tab

You can configure how the customers are synced to NetSuite using the Customers tab present under Settings > Order (MFN)

Customers tab - Configure MFN orders settings.png

  • Default NetSuite Customer for All Amazon Orders: You can sync customer records using two methods. The first method is to sync Amazon orders to one default customer. This is the most commonly used option.

    Note: If you want to sync Amazon orders to multiple default customers, see Sync Amazon MFN orders to multiple default customers.

    The second method is to sync each customer as individual customer records into NetSuite. When an order is synced, the customer is associated with an existing customer record based on their email address from Amazon. If the customer doesn’t exist in NetSuite, a new record will be created. This option is recommended when you have a high volume of orders coming in each day.
    • If you are choosing the first method for syncing customer records, provide the internal id of the default customer record in NetSuite to skip the creation of new customer records in NetSuite for each new order from Amazon and assign a default customer record to all the Amazon orders.
    • If you are choosing the second method for syncing customer records, you can leave this setting blank.
  • Remove phone number if invalid on Amazon order: Lets you define a business rule where invalid phone numbers on Amazon order are automatically removed before the order is added to NetSuite. This prevents any manual intervention to sync orders with invalid phone no.s (<7 digits or alphanumeric format). It is recommended to check this box to avoid any errors while syncing the orders to NetSuite.
  • Trim customer name if invalid on Amazon order: Lets you define a business rule where an invalid first name and last name on Amazon order are automatically trimmed to first 32 characters before the order is added to NetSuite. Checking this box prevents order sync failures when the buyer enters more than 32 characters for first name and/or last name fields in Amazon.
  • Use ShippingAddress/Name when Buyer Name is Missing: Lets you define a business rule where the ShippingAddress -> Name as NetSuite first name and last name, if the Buyer Name on Amazon order is missing. If you enter a value in the Default first name if missing on Amazon order and the Default last name if missing on Amazon order settings, this checkbox should be unchecked.
  • Default first name if missing on Amazon order: Lets you define a business rule where the missing first name on Amazon order is automatically replaced with a default value of your choice before the order is added to NetSuite. This helps prevent any manual intervention to sync orders with a missing first name. For example,  you can enter FNU (First Name Unavailable) as a default value in this field.
  • Default last name if missing on Amazon order: Lets you define a business rule where the missing last name on Amazon order is automatically replaced with a default value of your choice before the order is added to NetSuite. This helps prevent any manual intervention to sync orders with a missing last name. For example, you can enter LNU (Last Name Unavailable) as a default value in this field.

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