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Sync MFN and SFP orders to NetSuite as sales orders

The order/customer data flow automatically pushes orders (Merchant Fulfilled Network aka MFN and Seller Fulfilled Prime aka SFP) and associated customer information from Amazon to NetSuite periodically. integration app enables you to set up the frequency of the data flow. The Amazon - NetSuite integration app supports both MFN and FBA orders.

Note: SFP Orders are treated as a sub-set of MFN & do not require any additional configuration for bringing them into NetSuite.

The following order/customer data flows are provided:

  • Amazon (MFN) Order to NetSuite Order Add
  • Amazon (MFN) Order to NetSuite Order Add (on-demand sync)
  • Amazon (MFN) Customer to NetSuite Customer Add

Importing your first MFN order into NetSuite


  1. Ensure you have an SKU in Amazon that also exists in NetSuite with the same SKU name/number. If you don't already have one, use the steps as follows:
    • In your Amazon seller central account, Go to Inventory tab > Add product and create a new product.
      For more information on how to create an item on Amazon, click here.
    • In NetSuite, Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New > Inventory Item and create an item record for the same item.
  2. From your buyer account, create a test sales order for the same product and enter the necessary order details. Once the order is placed, make a note of the order id. Alternatively, you can skip step 1 and 2 and use an existing order which has not been imported in NetSuite. When using existing order, please ensure that the item for which the existing order was placed exists both in NetSuite and Amazon.
    For more information on placing an order for an item, see Getting started.
  3. In the Amazon (MFN) order to NetSuite order Add flow mappings, in the Amazon (MFN) Order Import Adaptor, ensure to select eTail Channel (Name) in the Import field NetSuite, instead of eTail Channel (InternalId). This ensures that the order lookup is successful when you run the flow.


  4. In NetSuite, ensure that the Celigo Amazon IO Account page has the correct integration store ID populated in the Account ID field. Do not enter the account ID manually. This ensures that the order lookup is successful when you run the flow.


  5. Go to Settings > Order (MFN) > Shipping:
    1. Click Map Ship Methods.
    2. Select a value in the Default Lookup Value field.
    3. Click Save

      Shipping tab - Configure MFN orders settings.png

  6. Enable the Amazon Order (MFN)to NetSuite Order Add flow.

Now, you are ready to import your first MFN order!

Import your first MFN order

  1. Go to Settings > Order (MFN) > Orders.
  2. Enter the Amazon Order Id (noted in Step 2 of the prerequisites) in the Amazon Order Id(s) text box. 

    Import your first MFN order.png

  3. Click Save. This action triggers the integration app to pull the specified order details from Amazon and push them into NetSuite.
  4. To monitor the success or failure of this action, access the Dashboard tab. On this page, you should see a new job in a few seconds that changes its status from Queued -> In Progress -> Completed.
    • If the job status shows "Completed" with a success count as 1, this indicates that the order has been successfully added into NetSuite and you can directly go to Step #5.
    • If the job status shows "Errored" with an error count as 1, this indicates the order import has failed. In this case, use the following steps to resolve the error:
    • Click on the View button next to the error count on the same job to know why order import failed.
    • Fix the error and retry the same job using the Retry button.

      Note: As NetSuite does not report all errors with an order at once, you may need to fix errors one by one as they appear till the order is successfully added into NetSuite.

  5. Navigate to your NetSuite account and put the same "Amazon Order Id" in the global search box to find the order record created in NetSuite for the corresponding order in Amazon.

Understanding the Settings

The integration app includes a lot of powerful advanced settings that empower you to fine-tune the out of the box integration app per your business needs. To understand each of the available advanced settings in detail, click Order Settings.

Customer Data Flow

The customer data flow is a real-time data flow and is automatically triggered every time the order data flow runs. The flow currently supports customer creation and not customer updates (when any update is made to the customer in Amazon, the same details must be updated in NetSuite manually). The customer information includes basic details such as the shipping address. The flow also provides pre-built functionality that prevents duplicate customers from getting created in NetSuite.

Order Data Flow

The Order import flow imports new sales orders from Amazon into NetSuite along with associated customer information for each order. This is a batch data flow (you must trigger the flow manually). The Amazon Order Import flow can be made to run from every 15 mins to once per week.  Some features of the order data flow include: 

Order (MFN) flow 

  • Imports MFN orders from Amazon as sales orders in NetSuite every 15 mins.
  • Imports new MFN orders that are in “unshipped” state and saves them in NetSuite as Sales Orders.
  • Provides optional feature to import Amazon orders into NetSuite by providing Amazon a list of Amazon MFN order IDs (comma-separated, maximum of 50 order IDs at a time).
  • Provides optional settings to configure the order date filters and associated duration in days for importing Amazon orders within the specified time range into NetSuite.
  • Pre-built functionality to prevent duplicate orders.
  • Variances in taxes/shipping costs/order totals between NetSuite and Amazon are reported on the sales order.

Ship Methods

  • Ship methods must be configured separately in both systems by clients. The integration app allows unlimited ship method mappings.


  • Tax codes must be configured separately in both NetSuite & Amazon by clients. In order for tax totals to match between systems, the tax tables/rules must be identical in both systems.

    Note: GST (Goods and Service Tax) is not supported

Item Types

  • The integration app only requires the SKUs to match on Amazon Item & NetSuite item regardless of the item type in either system.
  • Supports Simple, Matrix, Kits item types.

    Note: NetSuite Assembly items that are not pre-built and NetSuite items configured as ‘Item Group’ type items are not supported at this time.

Customer Import

Amazon also sends customer details with Order data. The integration app can check to see if a customer record already exists in your NetSuite system with the same Amazon anonymized email address as the one provided by Seller Central in the order feed. If so, it attaches that customer to the sales order. If a matching customer is not found, a new customer record is created in NetSuite. 

Merchant SKU

When adding line items to the NetSuite sales order, the Merchant SKU field mapping that you have specified is used to look up the equivalent item in NetSuite, given that each Amazon Merchant SKU is provided for each item on the Amazon order. By default, we use the Item Name/Number field in NetSuite, but this mapping may be configured to look in any other text field that you prefer in NetSuite, including a custom field you may have created.

Important! If the field used to map to the Amazon Merchant SKU is empty for a given item or does not contain an exact case-sensitive match to the SKU provided in the Order Feed, the integration app will have no way to identify which item should be used on the Sales Order and will fail to import the order. An error message will be generated, and an email alert will be sent to notify your team.


After the customer data is processed, the integration app adds the new sales order to NetSuite. Once the order is successfully created, the financial totals calculated by NetSuite are compared to those calculated by Seller Central. The following data is compared and checked for a variance:

  • Grand Total
  • Tax Total
  • Shipping Tax Total
  • Shipping Total

If a variance is found for any one of these totals, the sales order in NetSuite is updated with those amounts on the Amazon tab of the Sales Order in the fields shown below.

Shipping Discount
In case there is a shipping discount on the Amazon Order, the net shipping cost on the NetSuite order is imported as Shipping Cost - Shipping Discount.

Duplicate Customer Check

The integration app uses the Amazon Buyer Id of the customer to verify existing customer records in NetSuite. If a match is found the matching customer record is linked to the order, else a new customer record is created and linked to the order.

Duplicate Order Check

The integration app creates custom fields in NetSuite labeled “eTail Order Id”, “eTail Merchant Order Id” and “eTail Channel”. The Amazon “orderId” field is mapped to the “eTail Order ID” and “eTail Merchant Order Id”  fields in NetSuite. In addition, the integration app will generate a special ExternalID for the order that indicates it was imported by the integration app.  While importing a new sales order, the integration app first checks whether there is an existing sales order in NetSuite with the same ExternalID as the mapped sales order.  If the search finds a match, the new order is considered a duplicate and not imported.

Order Total Variance Handling

It is possible that the order total might not match between the two systems if information such as tax rates do not match. The integration app calculates the variance related to the order total. After each order is imported into NetSuite, the integration app immediately compares the calculated totals with what was sent from Amazon. These fields include Tax Total, Ship Total, and Order Total. If there is a difference between the values calculated by NetSuite and the values sent from Amazon, the difference is stored in one of the variance custom fields on the sales order. You may report on these fields in NetSuite on a periodic basis and adjust your G/L with a journal entry if variance values exist.

Amazon (MFN) Order to NetSuite Order Add

When an order is created in Amazon, the integration app pushes the order information from Amazon into NetSuite automatically. You can also manually trigger the data flow. Customer data associated with the order is also automatically moved into NetSuite.

  • Set up and save the flow settings
  • Run the data flow
  • View status of flow in the dashboard
  • Validate whether the record has moved from Amazon to NetSuite or vice versa

Amazon (MFN) Order to NetSuite Order Add (on-demand sync)

When an order is created in Amazon, the integration app pushes the order information from Amazon into NetSuite automatically. You can also manually trigger the data flow using the Amazon (MFN) order to NetSuite order Add (on-demand sync) flow. Customer data associated with the order is also automatically moved into NetSuite.

  1. Go to Settings > Orders (MFN) > Orders.
    Orders tab - Configure MFN orders settings.png
  2. Enter the Amazon order IDs that needs to be synced in the Amazon order ID(s) setting. You can enter up to 50 order IDs separated by a comma.
  3. Update the other settings as needed. To understand each of the available settings in detail, see Order Settings.
  4. Click Save. The flow will run automatically and the orders will be synced with NetSuite. 

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