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Request a Celigo SuiteApp update to your NetSuite Production account

When an update is required to the SuiteApp (Celigo on SuiteScript 2.0) or an integration app SuiteApp for NetSuite, Celigo pushes the update out to customers' Production accounts gradually. The release will be immediately available for Sandbox accounts, and you must manually upgrade the bundle in your NetSuite Sandbox Environment. (In compliance with NetSuite policies, Celigo cannot automatically update bundles in Sandbox accounts, only in Production accounts.).

To request a Production SuiteApp update sooner than the scheduled push:

  1. Locate your NetSuite ID. It appears as the subdomain in your URL.

  2. In the NetSuite Omni-search bar, search “page: installed suiteapp”. In the search result, open the page that shows Installed SuiteApps List and note the SuiteApp name(s) and ID(s) to be updated.

  3. Open a support ticket and include the following information:

    • Your NetSuite ID

    • The SuiteApp name(s) and ID(s).

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