Netsuite documentation: Authentication
One additional NetSuite authentication type is available: token-based (automatic) . However, if you are installing an integration app or adding a connection to one, you must establish your connection to NetSuite according to the integration app’s instructions. For example, see Install Salesforce - NetSuite (IO).
Before you begin, read Before you connect to NetSuite.
Start establishing a connection to NetSuite in either of the following ways:
From the Resources menu, select Connections. Then, click + Create connection at the top right.
– or –
While working in a new or existing integration, you can add an application to a flow simply by clicking Add source or Add destination/lookup.
In the resulting Application list, select NetSuite.
The Create connection pane opens with required and advanced settings.
First, name your connection in the General settings:
Name (required): Provide a clear and distinguishable name. Throughout imports and exports, you will have the option to choose this new connection, and a unique identifier will prove helpful later when selecting among a list of connections that you’ve created.
Application (required, non-editable): A reminder of the app you’re editing.
At this point, you’re presented with options for providing NetSuite authentication.
Authentication type (required): Select Token Based Auth (Manual).
Environment (required): Enter the NetSuite environment you want to connect with: a production, sandbox, or beta environment. NetSuite must provision Sandbox NetSuite accounts, and beta environments are typically available only in the weeks prior to a NetSuite upgrade.
Account ID (optional): Enter your account ID. Contact NetSuite support to obtain the ID if it’s not exposed in the following steps:
Make sure you use underscore (_) instead of dash (-) while you enter your account ID. For example, if your account ID is 12345_SB1
Sign into your NetSuite account.
Click Setup.
Navigate to Company > Integration > SOAP web services preferences > Primary information.
Copy Account ID.
Token ID (required): Enter the required token ID. Before creating an access token in NetSuite for, verify that you have installed Celigo SuiteApp (ID 20038) in your NetSuite account, which creates the role Celigo Full Access Role w/o 2FA [Locked].
Token secret (required): Enter the value retrieved with your Token ID, above. Multiple layers of protection are in place, including AES 256 encryption, to keep your connection’s Token ID and Secret safe. When editing this form later, you must enter this value again; it is stored only for a saved connection.
In NetSuite, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage roles; then click Customize corresponding to the role Celigo Full Access Role w/o 2FA [Locked]; and save the role (clone) with a different name.
Celigo Full Access Role w/o 2FA [Locked] is a locked custom Celigo role. When cloning the role, you can add additional permissions to the role to fit your requirements.
Navigate to Manage roles to verify the presence of Celigo Full Access w/o 2FA [Locked].
Go to Manage users, select a user, then click Edit to modify the user.
Click the Access subtab at bottom of the screen, then the Roles subtab.
Add the custom role that you just created, then click Save.
Go to Setup > Access tokens > Create access token. You must add “” in the Application field for all access tokens the Celigo platform uses.
Copy the Token ID and Token secret to a safe place, since they will not be shown again.
iClient (required): Select the iClient pair that stores the client ID and client secret provided to you by NetSuite. To add an iClient and configure your credentials, click the plus (+) button. Click the edit () button to modify a selected iClient. Be sure to give the iClient a recognizable name for use in any other connections.
Before continuing, you have the opportunity to provide additional configuration information, if needed, for the NetSuite connection.
Link SuiteScript integrator (optional): This setting appears only when you edit a NetSuite connection. Prior to, NetSuite integrations built by Celigo ran directly inside your NetSuite account via a managed bundle. If you are still running any of these older integrations, check this box to link to your NetSuite account.
WSDL version: New Web Services Description Language (WSDL) versions are available when creating or editing a NetSuite connection. A WSDL is simply an XML document describing the latest versions of a web service. By choosing a WSDL you are choosing to upgrade to a new or older version of NetSuite’s web services.
You can choose between versions 2023.1; 2020.2; and 2018.1. Versions 2018.1 and later support both manual and automatic token-based auth connections. Switching versions for an existing connection might have an impact on running flows, and we recommend reviewing NetSuite’s release notes prior to making a change. We recommend using the latest WSDL version.
Once you have configured the NetSuite connection, you have a few options for continuing:
Save – click this button to test the connection, commit the new connection so that it will be available to all integrations for your account
Save & close – click to test and save the connection and exit the Create connection pane
Cancel – click to exit without saving any new changes
Test connection – click this button to verify that your new connection is free of errors
When you test or save the connection, it is verified before continuing.
The new connection is now successfully added to your account. It will be applied to the current source or destination app, if you created it within a flow. Otherwise, you may proceed to register the connection with an integration.
Read more about this connector:
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