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Add a custom category to the product flow

The Custom category tab under Settings > Product provides you the flexibility to add or update custom categories when Amazon makes changes to the Amazon Seller Central product category template.


  • For each custom category that needs to be added or updated, download the latest product category template in the Amazon prescribed format from your Amazon Seller Central account.

    Limitations: The template containing the customer category details cannot exceed 10 MB, must be in XLSM or XLSX format, and should match the Amazon prescribed format.

  • Ensure the template contains the following worksheets and the values entered in these worksheets match the Amazon prescribed format:
    • Data Definitions
    • Template
    • Valid Values
  • Ensure the date entered in the version node of the “Template” worksheet is entered in a valid format.
  • Ensure the template version is not older than 01st October 2021 (2021.1001). Our integration app only accepts versions which are dated from 01st October 2021 (2021.1001) onwards.
  • Ensure that the custom category name added is unique. If a custom category already exists with the custom category name you enter, you can update the custom category. This applies even if the custom category name entered is in a different case than the existing category name.

    Example: If a custom category exists with the name “Baby products” and you try to create a custom category with the name “BABY PRODUCTS”, an error message is displayed stating “A custom category with the name “Baby products” already exists. Create a custom category with a different name or update “Baby products”.

  • Ensure that the custom category names are alphanumeric and don’t contain special characters. For example, enter the custom category name as "Toys and games" instead of "Toys & games".

Add a custom category

To add a custom category,

  1. Go to Settings > Product > Custom category.
    Add custom category.png
  2. Check the Add custom category setting.

  3. Enter the custom category name you wish to add in the Custom category name setting.

  4. Click Choose file to add the downloaded template containing the custom category details in the Select custom category template setting.

  5. Click Save to add the custom category to the list of available product categories with the suffix “_CC”.

    Important: When a custom category is created, it will be appended with the suffix “_CC”.

    Example: If you create a custom category named “Baby” and save it, the custom category will appear in the available product categories list as “Baby_CC”.

  6. After the custom category is added, configure the flow by editing the Mappings (Edit mappings) in the NetSuite Item to Amazon Product Add/Update flow. A custom flow will be created for each custom category added.

The following video explains the process of creating and configuring a custom category:

Important: When a custom category is created, it will be appended with the suffix “_CC”.

Update a custom category

To update a custom category,

  1. Go to Settings > Product > Custom category.
    Update custom category.png
  2. Uncheck the Add custom category setting.
  3. Select the custom category to be updated in the Update custom category setting.

    Note: Only the custom categories with configured flows will be available for selection. Click Refresh (Refresh button) to update the options available for selection.

  4. Click Choose file to add the downloaded template containing the custom category details in the Select custom category template setting.
  5. Click Save to update the custom category.
    The custom category will be updated with the details of the template added in the Select custom category template setting.

The following video explains the process of updating the custom category:

Important: When a custom category is created, it will be appended with the suffix “_CC”.

Add field details to the downloaded template

After adding the custom category, if you find that certain fields you are working on are missing in the mapping for multi-value fields. This is caused due to parsing errors.

In such instances, you can add the fields and field values manually to the Data Definitions and Template worksheets of the template downloaded from Amazon. The field IDs for the fields that are added must match the prescribed Amazon format as detailed in the Data Definitions worksheet.

After adding the fields and field values, you need to upload the template as explained in the Update a custom category section of this article.

To add field values to the Data Definitions worksheet:

  1. Open the downloaded template and navigate to the Data Definitions worksheet.

Add field values in Data definitions worksheet.png

  1. Add a row at the end of the table.
  2. Enter the field ID which matches the Amazon prescribed format in the Field Name column.
  3. Enter the field name in the Local Label Name column.
  4. Specify whether a field is required or optional in the Required? column. If a value is not provided in this field, it is automatically considered Optional.
  5. Repeat Steps 2 to 5 if you want to add more fields.
  6. After adding information for all the fields in the Data Definitions worksheet, access the Template worksheet to update the field values.

In the Template worksheet:

Add field values in Template worksheet.png

  1. Unhide row 3 in the worksheet, which is hidden by default.
  2. Add a column at the end of the existing columns.
  3. Enter the Local Label Name in row 2.
  4. Enter the Field Name in row 3.
  5. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 to add the values for all the fields added in the Data Definitions worksheet.

    Note: Ensure that all the field values entered in the Template worksheet match the additional fields added in the Data Definitions worksheet.

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