You can now choose to ignore common fields during pulls and merges. This is available at the integration level, meaning you can ignore most common form fields in an integration or at almost any resource level. With this feature, any updates or changes to an ignored field will not be pulled or merged. The fields will be ignored. This does not apply to newly created or deleted fields.
In an integration, this can't be customized to a specific flow, export, import, etc. For example, if you ignore a flow description, it will ignore all descriptions in all flows in your integration.
You can ignore common fields in any of the following:
Settings (custom)
This won't ignore your mapping configurations or a specific mapping. It will ignore all the fields and/or lists in your mapping configuration.
Note that you're not ignoring a specific flow or resource in your integration. You're also not ignoring the creation or deletion of new resources. Only updates to the selected resource fields are ignored. Some examples of what you can't ignore include:
An individual flow, export, import, script, etc.
An individual field in your data (not a common form field)
A newly created or deleted flow, export, import, script, etc.
You can ignore (among others):
Common form fields in exports or imports. For example:
Name and description fields
Relative URIs
HTTP methods
Advanced settings
Custom form fields
All the exports, imports, scripts, etc., in your integration
All the export or import filters, transformations, mappings, and/or hooks in your integration
By ignoring certain fields, you say they shouldn't be considered when using Integration Lifecycle Management (ILM). You're omitting the fields from being updated into your original integration or clone. There are many reasons why you might want to omit certain fields, but here are a few basic reasons why you might want to make use of this feature:
You don't want to update variable fields that will change between original and clone integrations. For example, a relative URI may change between sandbox and production versions of an integration.
You don't want to include test changes to a resource or common form field. For example, you need to pull changes from sandbox to production but aren't done testing how a common form field change affects the way data flows.
You want to test how excluding certain resources, such as filters or scripts, will affect your integration.
You can ignore every available field under the resource or just a specific field. For example, you can ignore all integration-specific fields (name, description, etc.) or only one field (description). Ignoring the integration's description means that it won't be included when you pull to your clone. If your Original Integration is set to ignore the description and you create a pull to Clone A, the description won't be included in the pull to Clone A. Any changes you make to the description will be ignored.
To ignore resources or fields:
Click Ignore fields during pull.
Select or search for the resources or fields you would like to ignore. If you check a resource like transformation or filter, it will automatically select every available field in that resource.
Click Done to close the list overlay.
Click Save & close.
Ignored fields include scripts, filters, hooks, and various other aspects of an integration, flow, export, and/or import.
If you've changed your mind or want to remove fields from the ignore list, click Ignore fields during pull to open the Ignored fields list. To remove resources or fields from the Ignore list:
Click Ignore fields during pull.
Click the X next to a specific field to remove it from the ignore list OR click the X at the top right-hand side of the panel to remove every selected field from the ignore list. You can also un-check the field.
Click Save & close.
If you delete resources or fields that have been added to your Ignore list, we recommend removing them. You can still perform ILM functions (merge, pull, snapshot, etc.); however, the fields will appear in red when you reopen the Ignore list, and you must delete them then. For example, let's say you've ignored all the existing import fields. Later, you decide to delete all imports from your integration. We recommend removing the import fields from your Ignore list since they no longer exist in your integration.
To remove deleted resources:
Click Ignore fields during pull.
Click the X next to the highlighted field in red to remove it from the ignore list.
Click Save & close.
In the image below, all the import fields available in the integration were ignored. Later, all the imports in the integration were removed. Those ignored fields are now invalid because the imports no longer exist. There are no import fields to ignore because there are no imports. If you delete a single resource (like an import) from your integration, but other resources of the same kind still exist (other imports), you will not receive this warning.
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