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Error: "Customer Record with this ID Already Exists"

Problem: If you have multiple customer records in Shopify (different customer IDs) which share the same company name and email, NetSuite will not allow records to have the same customer ID.  

Source Code Message
netsuite unique_cust_id_reqd "Failed to add/update customer for Shopify order 4-33996. A customer record with this ID already exists. You must enter a unique customer ID for each record you create. To correct this record, click back and enter a new customer ID in the Customer field, Then click Submit."

Solution: Enable auto-generated numbers on your customer records. (NetSuite customer ID would just be the company name if you don't have the auto-generated number enabled). By using auto-generated numbers, NetSuite will put in a unique customer ID for every customer record created, instead of using just the Name (see example below):


Note: You may also check NetSuite documentation regarding auto-generated numbers for further information.

This setting can be found here:

Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers
NetSuite Answer ID: 9821


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