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Resolve your Shopify error with code "invalid reference key"

Error code: "invalid_key_or_ref"

Flow impacted Error code/
Likely cause Resolution
Shopify Order to NetSuite Order Add invalid_key_or_ref
Failed to add Shopify Order #1011. Invalid entity reference key 35007
This error indicates that the particular customer that is referencing, reference key 35007, is no longer an Active Customer.
  1. In NetSuite, mark the customer as "active".
  2. Re-run the order flow. 
Shopify Order to NetSuite Order Add invalid_key_or_ref
Failed to add Shopify Order #1234. Invalid item reference key 1009 for subsidiary 1.
A subsidiary of the Item record in NetSuite does not match with the Subsidiary on the Customer record.
  1. In NetSuite, Navigate to Lists -> Accounting -> Items. Find the Item record with internal id "1009".
  2. Edit the Item Record & set the Subsidiary with internal id "1" & Save the Item Record.
To find the Subsidiary Internal IDs in NetSuite, navigate to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.
Shopify Order to NetSuite Order Add invalid_key_or_ref
Failed to add Shopify Order #1234. Invalid shipmethod reference key 4115 for entity 33676.
A subsidiary of the shipping method does not match with the Subsidiary of the Customer.
  1. In NetSuite, Navigate to Lists -> Accounting -> Shipping Items. Find the Ship Method record with internal id "4115".
  2. Edit the record & set the Subsidiary value to the value set on the Customer record with Internal Id "33676" & Save the record.
Shopify Transaction to NetSuite Customer Deposit Add


Failed to create Customer Deposit for Shopify Order XXXXXX due to Invalid reference key of Order XXXXXX for Customer XXXXXX.

If you map the payment method on the sales order, NetSuite restricts to a create customer deposit.
  1. Remove the payment method mappings on the Shopify Order to NetSuite Order Add flow.
  2. Create the mappings on the Shopify Transaction to NetSuite Customer Deposit Add flow.
  3. Remove the existing payment record on the NetSuite sales order.
  4. Retry the error.
Shopify order to NetSuite order (cash sale or sales order)

Failed to add/update customer for Shopify order T******T. Failed to save record because Invalid custrecord_celigo_shopify_store reference key 1.


Failed to save record because Invalid custrecord_celigo_shopify_store reference key 1.

The error indicates that the flow is not detecting the store ID or the store sync did not update the new store ID if there had been changes.

Make sure that the store ID is matched between the Shopify, Netsuite, and the one set in

To find store ID in

  1. Go to and navigate to the Shopify - NetSuite integration app tile.
  2. Go to Flows > Order.
  3. Next to the Shopify customer to NetSuite customer (add or update flow, click Mappings to edit the Field mappings.
  4. In the Post customers to NetSuite mappings section, look for the 'Shopify store (internal ID) field' in the left column fields and in the right column fields.
  5. Click Edit (Gear icon) to view the Settings page. You will find the store ID in the filters field.
  6. Match the Shopify store ID in NetSuite,, and make the required changes. Save the changes.

  7. Now, go to the integrator dashboard and view the Error dialog. Click Retry to re-run the Order Import flow successfully.
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