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File parser settings in Cash Application Manager

File parser settings in CAM provide various options for parsing multiple types of bank files. Below are the parser settings shown for the mostly used File formats.

  • BAI2 6,4: Mostly used for lockbox or mixed payment types.
  • BAI2 16,88: Mostly used for wires and ACH payment types.
  • MT940: Mostly used for wire payment types.
  • CSV: Used by major banks and for all payment types.
  • XML / CAMT.053: Used by most of the European banks.

Set up parsing settings for bank data files

This section enables you to set positions of fields from a data file in the application. Whenever a data file is imported into CAM, the data is extracted based on the positions defined in the setting. The positions vary according to the bank standard, payment type, and file format. CAM supports the following formats:

  • Fixed-width (BAI2 6,4): For banks that have fixed-width, the fields' starting and ending position must be specified.
  • Comma separated (BAI2 16,88; MT940; CSV): For banks that have CSV type of formats, a column index setting is provided that allows you to set up and extract the data accordingly. The column index must be specified for the file. For banks that have comma separated (BAI2 16,88 and MT940), the customer details and the invoice details are provided as part of the continuation records. This is typically raw data with no standardized way to identify with one-to-one mapping. You can enter a regular expressions to capture the data.
  • XML (CAMT.053)


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