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Multi-subsidiary settings in Cash Application Manager

This feature is for customers who have multiple subsidiaries with complex accounting needs; wherein, each subsidiary requires a unique GL account for payment creation, write-offs, and customer deposits. You, as the accountant or the controller, can easily specify the GL accounts for each subsidiary against each payment type and bank. To support this in CAM, the multi-subsidiary settings available in the Integration App for the Bank File to NetSuite flow allow you to map the subsidiaries with respective GL accounts and dummy customer.

To access this field, click the Settings icon in the Bank File to NetSuite flow.  When the Settings window displays, click Advanced Settings > Multi-subsidiary Settings.

Multi-subsidiary settings allow the Integration App to identify the GL accounts to be used for a particular subsidiary to create payments, write-offs, or customer deposits. When you add a subsidiary, you must provide data in the Subsidiary and Payment Account fields. You can choose to specify a dummy customer for the corresponding subsidiary to allow the creation of incoming payment if the customer is not identified during processing. Once you have identified the customer, you can change the value to the correct customer in the cash app transaction record. Once you select the correct customer, CAM deletes the old payment on the dummy customer and creates a fresh payment for the selected customer. When you save your settings, CAM validates the dummy customer information and generates an error if you enter an incorrect dummy customer name in this field. 

The Subsidiary Invoice Prefix allows you to provide the prefixes limited to the subsidiary.

Note: This setting takes precedence over the Invoice Prefix setting in the File Import settings. 

CAM uses the following criteria to identify the GL accounts to be used for a particular subsidiary to create payments, write-offs, or customer deposits:

  • Subsidiary information in the bank file
  • Customer subsidiary information in NetSuite

Once the Integration App has identified a subsidiary or customer in the bank file for a transaction, CAM creates the payment record in NetSuite for that transaction along with the associated account and subsidiary information.

The Payment Account, Dummy Customer, Write Off Debit Account, and Customer Deposit Credit Account fields available in the Bank Transactions to NetSuite flow also act as the default subsidiary when the customer for a transaction does not belong to any subsidiaries you've defined in the Multi-subsidiary Settings field. If the subsidiary information for a customer does not belong to any subsidiaries you listed in the Bank File to NetSuite flow, CAM uses the subsidiary information in the Settings window for the Bank Transactions to NetSuite flow to create payments.

Note: Celigo recommends that you add all the subsidiaries used for CAM in the Multi-subsidiary Settings section. If CAM is unable to identify both customer and subsidiary information in the bank file, CAM creates the payment for the dummy customer specified in the Bank Transactions to NetSuite flow.

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