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File processing settings in Cash Application Manager

Note: If you have multiple subsidiaries in your NetSuite account and use all of those in the Integration App, use Multi-Subsidiary Settings. Click the Settings icon in the Bank File to NetSuite flow. When the Settings window displays, click Advanced Settings > Multi-subsidiary Settings.

  1. Payment Account: Select a GL account for the payments to be created from this drop-down menu. If this field is left blank, all the payments created using CAM are created as undeposited funds.
  2. Dummy Customer: You can use this field to enter a fake customer for testing purposes.
  3. Write Off Threshold Amount: When a payment is short, you can set a percentage-based or amount threshold; wherein, if the payment meets the threshold, a journal entry for the difference between the payment and remaining dollars on the invoice is created and the invoice is closed. See Create a journal entry to write-off small underpayments for more details.
  4. Consider Invoice Open Amount in NetSuite: By default, CAM looks for the difference between the invoice total amount from the bank file to compare it with the transaction amount in order to decide if the transaction (when short-paid) is eligible for creating a journal entry. If this checkbox is checked, CAM also checks NetSuite for the invoice open amount.
  5. Write Off Debit Account: This drop-down menu allows you to select the account on which CAM creates the journal entry for all the eligible short-paid transactions.
  6. Customer Deposit Threshold Amount: When a payment is more than the invoice, you can set a percentage based or amount threshold; wherein, if the payment meets the threshold, a customer deposit for the difference between the invoice and remaining dollars on the payment is created, and CAM marks the payment fully applied.
  7. Customer Deposit Credit Account: This drop-down menu allows you to select the account on which the CAM creates the customer deposit for all the eligible over paid transactions.
  8. Match Consolidated Invoices: If checked, CAM looks for the consolidated invoices paid by the customer under a transaction and closes all the affiliated invoices for that consolidated invoice. See Support for Consolidated Invoices for more details.

    Note: This setting only works with the consolidated invoices created with the NetSuite bundle.

  9. NetSuite Consolidated Invoice Identifier: Use this drop-down menu to select the field from the invoice record that uniquely identifies the consolidated invoice.

    Note: By default, this field is set to the CI Number (Name) and is fixed for all the consolidated invoices created using NetSuite bundle.

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