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CAM (IO) - NetSuite v3.6.0 release notes, October 2020

Information: You can find the release notes for October 2020 here

What’s enhanced

Improved performance to process deployments for transactions parallely

When you edit a transaction, in the integration app,we are now handling the parallel processing of the transactions and duplicate payments for a single transaction are not created now.

Display processing-related flows in the General section

A new General section with the following flows are introduced in the “Flows” tab to view, add, or update the mappings related to customer payment, journal entry, and customer deposit:

    • NetSuite cash app transaction to NetSuite customer payment
    • NetSuite cash app transaction to NetSuite journal entry
    • NetSuite cash app transaction to NetSuite customer deposit

Note: By default, you cannot run the flow.

For more information, see Understand the General section integration flows

Consider updated customer to add new payments in the Celigo Cash App Transaction record

In the NetSuite Celigo Cash App transaction record, if you update the “NetSuite Customer” field, new payments are added using the updated customer and the old transaction customer payments are deleted.

New fields added in the “File Parsing” section are now visible in the mappings

For the Bank file to NetSuite flow, when you click Settings to add new fields in the “File Parsing” section, the fields are now visible in the Bank transaction to NetSuite flow mapping window on refresh.


What’s fixed

Note: The error messages for the General section flows are updated to show the exact reason for the issue.

Do not display error message when the default currency and transaction currency are set differently

In NetSuite Cash App Transaction record, the error message is not displayed when the default currency and the transaction currency are set differently in the Custom tab.

Example: If the customer default currency is USD and the transaction currency is set to Euro, Cash App Manager no longer displays the error “Currency Name is not a valid currency for customer Customer Name.”

Delete customer from Cash App Manager Dashboard when removed on the transaction

In NetSuite, when you delete the customer on the Celigo Cash App Transaction record, the customer is deleted on the Cash App Manager Dashboard. If the invoice has a customer, payments are created on the invoice customer and the same customer is displayed on the Celigo Cash App Transaction record and Cash App Manager Dashboard.

Create journal entry with threshold amount and close the invoice record in NetSuit for default account receivable

On the “Bank Transactions to NetSuite” flow, when you set up the customer to have a “Write off threshold amount” for the default account receivable and process the attached file, the transaction gets applied and the journal entry is created with the threshold amount. In NetSuite, the status of the invoice record is updated to “closed”.

Create transaction payments on the parent customer

In NetSuite, when the “Top-Level payments” checkbox is checked ( Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences and on General tab > Accounting Receivable > “Apply payments through Top-level customers only”) and you create a transaction with two or more invoices from different child customers, the payment is created on the parent customer and the “NetSuite Customer” field is updated with the parent customer.

Set the payment and batch dates correctly

When you edit the payment transactions and if the date format in NetSuite and the integration app are different, the payment dates and the batch dates on the transaction record are not interchanged and now set correctly.

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