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Understand the General section integration flows

In the Cash Application Manager, you can view mappings related to customer payment, journal entry, and customer deposit. These mapping are available in the Flows tab under the General section. The following flows can be used to map additional and update the existing fields:

  • NetSuite cash app transaction to NetSuite customer payment
  • NetSuite cash app transaction to NetSuite journal entry
  • NetSuite cash app transaction to NetSuite customer deposit

Using the above flows you can avoid edits to the mapping file in NetSuite and you can use these flows to map additional fields in the Cash Application Manager. By default, you can’t run or edit the above-mentioned flows. You can configure and update the mappings on these flows as per your needs.


Map the additional fields on the flows

Click Edit to map the fields.You can add the new export field and map it to the import field.

    • Click Refresh, if you don’t see your desired fields in the drop-down to map.


  • In your account, if multiple integration app tiles are installed using the same NetSuite account, mapping updates from one tile are not reflected in the other tile.
  • You need to add/update mappings from the integration app itself instead from the NetSuite.
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