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Modify additional fields (cLocked) for better throughput of integration flows

The Integration App provides feasibility for you to directly edit a few additional fields (that were not enabled or editable previously) that will help you configure the integration flow as per your business needs. It will also help you to increase the throughput of the integration flows.

The following settings are not cLocked and can be configured for your business rules:

Export fields

  1. Select an Integration App.
  2. Go to Flows and click the flow that you want to modify.
  3. In Flow Builder, click Export to edit its settings.

Page size

The records being exported from a particular source are grouped into pages of data. Each page is moved through the flow as processing becomes available, thus the integration is running on multiple pages at a time. The default number of records per page is 20, but you can modify page size to fine-tune for optimal throughput. This value does not apply to webhooks and listeners, where data is sent in real-time and messages are queued, then run individually through the integration. 

  1. On the Edit Export window, expand the Advanced section.
  2. In the Page size field, enter the maximum number of records in a page.

Batch size limit

Batch size is defined as the number of records fetched in a single request. This parameter is applicable only to NetSuite exports. For more information, refer to Fine-tune for optimal data throughput.

  1. On the Edit Export window, expand the Advanced section.
  2. In the Batch size limit field, enter the maximum number of records to retrieve in a request.

Export type

When exporting data from NetSuite, provides four options for the Export type:

  • All: Export all data returned in the search each time the export is run.
  • Delta: Export all data with a date/time value for the selected field that is greater than the last time the data flow was run.
  • Once: Export any data that has not been exported already and will also automatically update records to mark them as exported.
  • Limit: Export a limited set of records, primarily used for testing to avoid syncing lots of data.

    Note: When you select the export type as Limit - export a set number of records, another setting How many records would you like to export? is enabled for you to enter the maximum number of records to export each time this flow runs. The default value is set to one. You can export a maximum of 100 records.

  1. In the Edit export window, expand the Configure export type section.
  2. From the Export type drop-down menu, select the appropriate export type option.

Boolean field – when the Export type is Once

When you select the export type as Once, select a value from the Boolean field list that you want to set to mark the record as already exported.


Date field(s) – when the Export type is Delta

When you select the export type as Delta, select one or more Date field(s) options to govern the window of time for each subsequent export.


Lag offset

You can find this option only if you select the export type as Delta.


Search internal ID

Choose Public or Private. Once you have a NetSuite saved search defined with all the data that you want to export then simply tell us which one it is here. If you are not familiar with NetSuite saved searches, see page 112 in the NetSuite help guide for a basic intro.

Important: Always sort your NetSuite saved searches by Internal Id (and explicitly include the Internal Id column in the search results). This sort is required to group consecutive search rows with the same Internal Id into individual logical records. If you cannot sort your NetSuite saved search by Internal Id, set verify that the Group rows checkbox is unchecked.

  1. On the Edit export window, expand the What would you like to export? section.
  2. Select the Saved Search type as Private
  3. In the Search internal ID field, enter the internal ID.

Import fields

Input filters

The import processes record that meets the criteria that you define in the Filter editor. If there are other page processors downstream, the flow continues to process all records regardless of whether or not they met the import filter criteria. 

  1. Click the integration tile that has the flow with the records you want to filter.
  2. Select a flow to apply a filter.
  3. On an import flow step, click the Filter button.

Lookup criteria

If the data available in your source application is insufficient or incomplete for the purposes of your integration, but the required information can be retrieved from a secondary source, you can use a lookup to supplement the source application’s export data. You can use static and dynamic lookups at the record level for an HTTP import of JSON and XML media types. For more information, see Lookups and Create static and dynamic lookups for HTTP imports.


Selection of sub-record

For more information, refer to Configure and map NetSuite sub-records.


Other fields

Next integration flow (Run flows in succession)

If you want to run a flow immediately after another flow is complete, you can use the Next integration flow option.

  1. Select your integration app.
  2. Go to Flows and select the appropriate flow.
  3. In the top-right corner of Flow Builder, click the Settings button.
  4. In the Settings window, in the Next integration flow drop-down menu, select the flow you wish to trigger as the next flow:
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