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Amazon - NetSuite release notes v 1.23.5, March 2021

What’s enhanced

Sync negative inventory adjustments for the bin numbered items if the Use Bins checkbox is unchecked for NetSuite locations

To maintain accurate inventory in Amazon and NetSuite, the Amazon (FBA) Inventory Adjustments to NetSuite Inventory Adjustments flow is enhanced to sync negative adjustment even if the required quantity is not available in the NetSuite location. For a NetSuite location, if the Use Bins checkbox is unchecked, and the inventory status is disabled, the flow now syncs the negative inventory adjustment even if the required quantity is not available in the respective location. For serialized or lot numbered items, 

  • If the adjustments are less than the available quantity, then the flow adjusts the quantity without any error.
  • if the adjustments are more than the available quantity, then an error message is displayed.


For more information, see Sync your Amazon FBA inventory adjustments.

“Request Amazon Settlement Report List” flow to sync settlement report based on the “settlement end date” field 

The Request Amazon Settlement Report List flow now gets the Amazon settlement reports based on the “settlement end date” field in the settlement report. If the “settlement end date” is more than 90 days from the present day, the flow ignores getting the settlement report.

Note: If you wish to sync a settlement report whose “settlement end date” is older than 90 days, download the report from Amazon manually and use the Amazon Settlement Report to NetSuite Custom Settlement Records flow to manually sync the report to NetSuite. You can perform manual sync only if the Request Amazon Settlement Report List flow is disabled.

For more information, see Sync your Amazon settlement report (manually or automatically).

“Carrier code” is a mandatory field to sync shipments

As per Amazon's announcement, starting from 5th April 2021, it’s mandatory to provide a value in the Carrier code field. The Carrier name field becomes an optionally required field when the Carrier code field is set to "Other." If the carrier code field value is empty, the NetSuite fulfillment to Amazon shipment Add flow syncs the shipment with the carrier code value as “Other” to Amazon.

For more information about this flow, see Sync shipping and fulfillment info from NetSuite to Amazon.

What’s fixed

Sync settlement reports to the correct marketplace

The Request Amazon Settlement Report List flow now syncs the settlement reports correctly to the Netherlands (NL) marketplace, instead of the UK marketplace.

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