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Third Party Payer

There are occasions when a payment must be applied to invoices across multiple customers. Except for parent-child company relationships, NetSuite does not directly support this, in that a payment can only be applied to an invoice that belongs to the same customer as the payment. Cash Application Manager identifies this situation when the remittance specifies invoice identifiers across customers, and it responds by splitting the original payment into separate ones under each specified customer. These individual payments are then applied to the associated invoices.

  1. Navigate to Celigo Cash App Transaction that includes invoices from across more than one customer. An example is shown below.
  2. Navigate to the CashApp Invoices tab to see the invoices provide by the bank remittance and confirm that they belong to different customers.
  3. Select the Native Transactions tab to see the corresponding payments created, as split from the originating check.

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