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Understand the Cash Application Manager - NetSuite dependent flows

The dependent flows are auto-triggered flows that run in sequence by one of the existing integration flows. You can’t schedule, enable, or run the dependent flows. These flows are available on the Integration App user interface that was previously available only in the backend code.

For more information, refer to Intro to Error Management.

Bank invoice to NetSuite Cash App invoice (add)

The flow syncs the invoice information from the Bank to a custom record (Celigo Cash App Invoice) in NetSuite. This flow is triggered when “Bank File to NetSuite” flow is run and has transactions and invoices on the transactions.This flow is available in the Flows > General section.

Bank credit memo to NetSuite Cash App credit memo (add)

The flow syncs the credit memo information from the Bank to a custom record (Celigo Cash App Credit Memo) in NetSuite.This flow is triggered when “Use Credit Memos” checkbox is checked and the “Bank File to NetSuite” flow is run having transactions and credit memos. This flow is available in the Flows > General section.

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