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Shopify Order Import SKU Lookup Error

For the Shopify Order Import and Item Mass Update flows, the Integration App looks for the SKU of an item in NetSuite by searching for the SKU in the ItemID field. The following error may occur when more than one match is found: "A mapping error occurred. More than one match for "[["itemid","is","OZ-SE-VCA- 1037"],"AND",["isinactive"," is","F"]]" for the record type "item"."
This is a NetSuite issue where the ItemID and Vendor code match and the search returns all the items. In this example, NetSuite returns two results.
To resolve this issue, use the Name (Internal) in the mapping for the SKU. 
  1. Go to Flows > Order.
  2. Click the FieldMappingIcon.png Field Mappings icon in line with Shopify Order to NetSuite Order Add.
  3. Select the gear-like icon mceclip1.png for field settings and do the following:


  4. Click Save.
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  • We are still having the same issue "A mapping error occurred. More than one match for "[["itemid","is","xxx-xxx-xx"],"AND",["isinactive","is","F"]]" for the record type "item".' and we have the following as out look up filter expression - [["nameinternal","is","{{line_items[*].sku}}"],"AND",["isinactive","is","F"]] which is the solution that was posted, however this is not resolving the issue.

  • This fix worked for us in the current version of the Shopify Netsuite integration app. The flow is Shopify order to NetSuite sales order (add). Our error was returning more than one Item in the item lookup, due to a small number of our SKU Items having a Vendor code that matched a SKU in a separate item. It seems crazy that Netsuite will match Vendor code when you ask it to only match on SKU or "Name" field in netsuite, and also strange that Celigo IA does not already have this mapping set correctly.

  • Thanks for sharing the feedback, Jolyon Blazey. We will let our product team know about this and see if we can address this. Thanks!


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