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Compare at price error: Field Not Found for all Netsuite Accounts

Data flows:

  • NetSuite item to Shopify product (add or update)
  • NetSuite matrix item to Shopify product (add or update)

Error code: 400

Error messages:

  • On the integrator dashboard, you will see the error "compare_at_price":"expected String to be a money_fuzzy"
  • NetSuite saved search result: On the Celigo Shopify Item Export  or Celigo Shopify Matrix Item Export Saved search results, you will see the error "ERROR: Field Not Found" as a value for the compare at price field for all netsuite Accounts"

Reason: These errors occur when you select a price level for a product price and compare at price for which the discount % is zero in NetSuite.

Resolution: To resolve this error, add the following handlebar expression in the mapping for the compare_at_price field.

{{#compare variants[*].[Compare at Price (Variant)] "===" "ERROR: Field Not Found"}}{{variants[*].[Price (Variant)]}}{{else}}{{ variants[*].[Compare at Price (Variant)]}}{{/compare}}

To add this expression:

  1. Go to and navigate to the Shopify - NetSuite integration app tile.
  2. Go to Flows > Product.
  3. Next to the NetSuite item to Shopify product (add or update) flow or NetSuite matrix item to Shopify product (add or update), click Edit Mappings to edit the field mappings.
  4. Click Post products to Shopify.
  5. In the Mappings rules page, look for the 'compare_at_price' field in the right column fields. Click Edit (Gear icon) to view the Settings page.
  6. In the Expression field, add the handlebar expression.
  7. Click Save & close
  8. Now go to the integrator dashboard and view the error dialog.
  9. Click Retry to re-run the flow successfully.


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