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Shopify Item ID Map Mass Update

Some notes on the behavior and functionality of this flow

  • The mass update only picks up online applicable products. In cases where you might be wondering why there are more items in Shopify than what's shown on the dashboard job, some of the items might not be marked for online sales and will therefore not be picked up by the flow
  • Make sure that there are no duplicate SKUs in Shopify. Shopify allows duplicate SKUs so when the mass update flow runs and sees duplicate SKUs, it will also create duplicate records for the item id map.

Note: The integration app doesn't create a different "Celigo Shopify Item Id Map" for each different Product ID of the same SKU (in Shopify) in the same item in NetSuite. For example, if you have three items in Shopify with the same SKU number of "ABC", but in NetSuite, you only have one item for "ABC", when you do a Shopify Item ID map mass update, it will sync the three different "Product Id" from Shopify to the same record in NetSuite. So, when you will review the "System Information" of the Celigo Shopify Item Id Map of your "ABC" item in NetSuite, you'll see that all the IDs are just being overwritten by each Product Id in Shopify, but it will not create a separate Celigo Shopify Item Id map.

  • For the error message "Product you are trying to create already exists on Shopify with Product Id: ##############. Please update the Celigo Shopify Item Id Map for an item in NetSuite", on the product export flow. -for this error, check the item id maps. make sure there are no duplicates and check if any existing items are in Shopify. also, check if the product and variant ids in Shopify match what is in the item id map records
  • For mass update flow, if a field other than "nameinternal" for SKU is being used, the lookup needs to be updated in 2 places. One is in Mapping and the second one is at the record level. 
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  • Hi Stein, each time I run this item id mass update flow, it is creating a new record in NetSuite for some reason though there's a Shopify item id map record already existing in NetSuite. Is there any possible reason why? I've verified the record level lookup and it says add or update only. Please advise.

    Note: I'm using two item fields to find a match which is the "OR" condition in the mappings. Should we use the same at the record level as well? Please let me know.



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