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Channel sales sync

In Salesforce, partners can be added to an opportunity. When the sync is done, the partner associated with the Salesforce opportunity is synced as a customer in NetSuite and set as an end user on a sales order. You can have more than one partner associated with an opportunity.

As channel sales is not supported in Salesforce - NetSuite Integration App, but it can be achieved by adding manual configurations to salesforce opportunities to NetSuite sales order flow.

Prerequisite: Partner accounts in Salesforce must be in sync with NetSuite as a customer inorder to successfully sync the Salesforce opportunity as NetSuite sales order with the channel sales details.

Configure flow level settings

  1. Sign in to your app, and click on the Salesforce - NetSuite Integration App.
  2. Navigate to Flows > Opportunity.
  3. Go to ‘Salesforce opportunity to NetSuite sales order’ flow and click settings.
  4. Go to Additional data to export from Lookup fields and add the below fields to the existing reference fields.
  5. Go to Additional data to export from Related Lists or Sublists and add the related list with the below fields.
    1. Select Child SObject Type as Partners and add a reference field AccountTo.Id.
    2. Add a filter as IsPrimary = true AND Role = 'System Integrator'.

Note: Role is not mandatory

Configuring Field Mappings

  1. Sign in to your app, and click on the Salesforce - NetSuite Integration App.
  2. Navigate to Flows > Opportunity.
  3. Go to ‘Salesforce opportunity to NetSuite sales order’ flow and click edit mappings and add the below mappings.
    Export(Salesforce) Import(NetSuite)
    Account.Name Shipping Addressee
    Account.ShippingStreet Shipping Address 1
    Account.ShippingCity Shipping City
    Account.ShippingState Shipping Address State
    Account.ShippingCountry Shipping Address Country
  4. Change the dynamic lookup of customer(internalid) field mapping as below.
    1. For customer (internalid), click settings and change the dynamic lookup.
    2. Add the following expressions in the dynamic mapping the Save mappings.
      • Search Record Type: Customer
      • Refresh search filters : Remove {{{Account.Id}}} and add {{#if Partners}}{{#eachPartners}}{{AccountTo.Id}}{{/each}}{{else}}{{Account.Id}}{{/if}}
      • Value Field: InternalId
  5. Click Save
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