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Settings for Cash Application Manager for NetSuite

View data flow group of a bank

From the Cash Application Manager tile in the home section, select the bank from the drop down list, then the data flows for that particular bank are displayed. Select the data flow group to view the list of data flows. Data flows displays the supported payment standard, payment type and Lockbox account number.

The data flow settings section is where you will set up and manage the data flows. The various options are described:


Option Description


Add Bank - set up a new bank


View list of banks that have been set up


Data flow group


Set of data flows pertaining to the data flow group or bank


Turn on or turn off data flows


Run data flows (play button)


Schedule data flows to run at specific intervals


Rules engine (expression builder) to set up matching criteria (Deprecated)


Field mappings - view or modify prebuilt mappings


Settings - File settings for each data flow (name of the file, location, type..)


Dashboard - to view status of your data flows


Connections - section where you can edit or modify your connections


Monitoring - monitor integrations and connections


Subscription - review usage of data flows


Notifications - receive emails about data flow errors or issues

Data Flow Settings

The settings section enables you to import your bank file into the Cash Application Manager and to configure the settings. The following three sections are available (ref. no.10 in the first screenshot describing the options): File Import, File Parsing, File Processing.

File Import section

Field Descriptions for File Import

  • Directory path: Provide the path of the Directory in the FTP server where the files are stored.
  • File name starts with: Provide the first few characters of the file name which the Integration App should read.
  • File name ends with: Provide the last few characters of the file name which the Integration App should read.
  • Leave file on server: Choose this setting if the Integration App should leave the files on the FTP server after reading.  Otherwise, the file will be deleted from the FTP server after reading.
  • Ignore Following Customers: In some cases, the bank file contains customer information for whom payments should not be created in NetSuite. Use this field to add a list of customers (comma-separated) that you want to be excluded when the bank file is imported into NetSuite.
  • NetSuite Invoice Prefix: By default, all invoices are created in NetSuite with prefix “INV”. NetSuite does not support you to search if the prefix is not "INV" unless it is included in the search keyword.

    Use this field to add a list of prefixes (comma-separated) that you have used to store invoices in NetSuite for the Integration App to match and identify the invoice number in the bank file.

  • NetSuite Invoice Identifier: Use this drop-down list to select the NetSuite field (Standard or Custom) that you use to store the invoice number. By default, invoice number in NetSuite is stored in the Invoice # field.


File Parsing

Various options for parsing multiple types of bank files and standards are provided in the Settings. Based on the type of bank file, the following 'parser' settings are available.

Set Up Parsing Settings for Bank Data Files

This section enables you to set positions of fields from a data file in the application. Whenever a data file is imported into the Cash Application Manager, the data is extracted based on the positions defined in the setting. The positions vary according to the bank standard, payment type and file format. Cash Application Manager supports fixed width and comma separated formats. For banks that have csv type of formats, a column index setting is provided which would enable set up and to extract the data accordingly. The column index needs to be specified for the file. Refer to Set Up a Bank File in Cash Application Manager.

File Processing

  • Select dummy customer: Enter the NetSuite Internal ID of the Customer that will be the dummy customer for the scenario when the invoice and customer are not there.
  • Select payment account: Select the account from which the payment has to be made.
  • Write off debit account: Select the account from which the threshold amount will be debited.
  • Threshold amount: Enter the threshold amount for which write offs need to be generated.
  • Credit memo: Choose this setting if the Integration App should sync credit memos.

Advanced Settings

  • Transaction Codes to Skip: Please provide the transaction codes separated by commas that need to be skipped.

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