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Add Additional detail field in Celigo Cash App Invoice and Celigo Cash App Credit Memo NetSuite records

The Additional Details field helps to map or hardcode a value or to retrieve specific data from the bank file. You can find this field in Celigo Cash App Invoice and Celigo Cash App Credit Memo NetSuite records. The data in this field is displayed on the Cash Application Manager Dashboard in NetSuite.


To add Additional Detail field:

  1. Login to your account.

  2. Navigate to Flows > General.

  3. Select Edit Mapping icon under Mapping for the required flow (let us consider you select Bank invoice to NetSuite Cash App invoice flow).

  4. Configure mappings, Additional as Export field and Additional details as Import field.

  5. Click Save .

  6. Navigate to Flows > BAI2 and select the Settings icon of the bank file flow.

  7. Select File Parsing setting and add the field name in either of records, which you have mapped Bank invoice to NetSuite Cash App invoice flow. For example, in the above screenshot we have named it as Additional .

  8. Click Save .

Once the details are uploaded, you will find the field Additional Details and the data in the Celigo Cash App Invoice and Celigo Cash App Credit Memo NetSuite records. You can also find this field with details in Celigo Cash Application Manager Dashboard.

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