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NetSuite Support Case to Zendesk Ticket Add


The Tickets and Support Cases flow syncs Zendesk Tickets as NetSuite Support Cases whenever a Ticket is created or updated in Zendesk. The flow is bi-directional and can be configured to sync NetSuite Support Cases as Zendesk Tickets whenever a Support Case is created or updated in NetSuite. 

  • The flow can be configured to trigger the sync on the create operation, the update operation, or both.
  • The flow can be configured to run in one direction (Zendesk Support to NetSuite or NetSuite to Zendesk Support) or bi-directionally.
  • NetSuite to Zendesk flows are real time. Zendesk Support to NetSuite flows are batch. The frequency of running the batch flows can be configured.
  • Each Zendesk Ticket is associated with a User. If the Zendesk User and the associated Organization does not exist in NetSuite, the flow can create the Zendesk User and Organization as NetSuite Contact and Customer first and then sync the Ticket as a Support Case. This is an optional setting and can be turned off. If this setting is turned off and the Zendesk User does not exist in NetSuite, then the Ticket will not be synced to NetSuite and an error message will be shown in the Integrator dashboard.
  • Each NetSuite Support Case is associated with a Customer and (optionally) Contact. If the NetSuite Customer and Contact does not exist in Zendesk, the flow can create the NetSuite Customer and Contact as Zendesk Organization and User first and then sync the Support Case as a Ticket. This is an optional setting and can be turned off. If this setting is turned off and the NetSuite Customer and Contact does not exist in Zendesk, then the Support Case will not be synced to Zendesk and an error message will be shown in the Integrator dashboard. 
  • The Zendesk Tickets to NetSuite Support Cases flow can also sync Comments and Internal notes associated with the Ticket as Messages in the Support Case. This is an optional setting and can be turned off.

Note: Messages associated with NetSuite Support Cases are not synced to Zendesk as Zendesk API does not support creating Comments in Tickets.

Attachments sync is not supported between Zendesk Tickets and NetSuite Support Cases.


The flow works bi-directionally, i.e when a NetSuite case is created, the Case is automatically exported to Zendesk in real time. The flow is triggered in real time without having to manually trigger the flow.

Creating a case in NetSuite


Ticket created


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