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Uninstall a bank from the CAM Integration App

You can uninstall a bank from the CAM Integration App at any time you want in a few simple steps. When you uninstall all the banks associated with the CAM Integration App, the Integration App is uninstalled from your account, and all associated information with the Integration App is deleted from your account. Celigo recommends you consult with your NetSuite admin before uninstalling the NetSuite bundles for the CAM Integration App.

If you have multiple banks associated with your CAM Integration App and you uninstall a single bank from your account, only the selected bank details are lost. You can still use the Integration App tile on your account to access other banks associated with your Integration App.

CAUTION: Uninstalling the Integration App will remove all its associated components from your account. Also, all work done to that point will be lost and cannot be obtained back.

After uninstalling you can reinstall from the marketplace as long as you have a valid subscription.

Uninstall a bank from the CAM Integration App

    1. If you have multiple banks set up in your CAM Integration App, select the bank you wish to uninstall from the bank name drop-down list. 
    2. Go to Admin > Uninstall
    3. An uninstall page is displayed. Click Click to Uninstall to delete the selected bank.
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