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Resolve {"error":{"title":"Invalid attribute","message":"You passed an invalid value for the id attribute. Invalid parameter: id must be an integer from api/v2/organizations/update"}}

Data Flow: NetSuite Customer Financials to Zendesk Organization

Error Message:

{"error":{"title":"Invalid attribute","message":"You passed an invalid value for the id attribute. Invalid parameter: id must be an integer from api/v2/organizations/update"}}

Reason: When Zendesk ID exceeds more than 12 characters then Zendesk ID returns the value of ############## instead of the correct value.


To get the correct value, update the NetSuite saved search.

  1. Login to
  2. Navigate to the Zendesk Support - NetSuite integration app tile.
  3. Go to the NetSuite Customer Financial to Zendesk Organization flow, click Export.
  4. In the Search internal ID, click on () icon and it will navigate you to the Netsuite saved search.
  5. On the Saved Transaction Search page, click Results.
  6. Update the Field and Formula in Netsuite saved search as below:
    • Field: Formula (Text)
    • Formula: {customer.custentity_celigo_znc_zendesk_id}
  7. Click Save.
  8. Now, go to the dashboard and view the error dialog.
  9. Click Retry to re-run the flow successfully.


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