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Zendesk Support - NetSuite integration app Error: '{"Title":"Invalid Attribute","Message":"You Passed An Invalid Value For The Author_id Attribute. Must Be An Integer"}

Error Message:

The message was received on the NetSuite to Zendesk Support integration app Ticket Comment Add flow.  The error that appears in the dashboard is '{"title":"Invalid attribute","message":"You passed an invalid value for the author_id attribute. must be an integer"}.  The error does not contain any details or data regarding a specific record.


This error comes when the integration app does not find the author of the NetSuite message in Zendesk while creating the comment.
The integration app will first try to create the comment in Zendesk using the email of the author who created the message in NetSuite. If the integration app does not find an entity in Zendesk with that email, it shows this error in the dashboard.
However, the flow does not stop there. To ensure that the comment is created in Zendesk even if the author is not present, the integration app re-tries the flow and this time creates the comment under the email id of the Integration owner. So in this case, the flow would have still succeeded and the comment should have been created under the integration app Administrator's name. Since the flow eventually was successful, there is no retry data associated with the error.


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