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Celigo platform 2024.8.1 release notes

What's new

Select fields to exclude before merging integration changes

When leveraging integration lifecycle management (ILM), you can now merge changes selectively by ignoring specific fields during integration pulls. This means you can promote changes from one integration to another without including environment-specific configurations like file locations. By choosing which fields to exclude, you can avoid conflicts and make sure only the necessary changes are synchronized.


Note: Currently, this feature supports exclusions at the field level. Plans to expand this are targeted for future releases.

Celigo AI: SQL queries for NetSuite JDBC connector, and SOQL queries for Salesforce connector

With Celigo AI enabled, simply type your query in natural language, and it will be converted into SQL or SOQL automatically, making the configuration process easier for users of all skill levels.

This update will save time and simplify the process of writing and understanding queries. Plus, Celigo AI will provide plain English descriptions of existing SQL or SOQL queries, making data management and analysis much more straightforward.

Enhanced typing experience for Windows users

Windows users can now enjoy a smoother typing experience across the platform, including text input for fields like flow step names, descriptions, and the handlebars Advanced field editor. Backend performance improvements have eliminated lag and freezing, allowing for a more fluid and responsive typing experience.

What's enhanced

Java language support for AWS Lambda stacks

AWS Lambda stacks now support the Java language. .Previously, AWS Lambda stacks created on the Celigo platform only supported C# and Node.js. See Run operations on different servers in stacks for more information.

What's fixed

  • Some agents couldn't be deleted in environments with multiple agents.

Help Center updates

See Celigo platform connectors 2024.8.1 release notes for connector updates.

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