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Celigo platform 2024.5.1 release notes

What's new

Celigo AI Knowledge Bot

To further enhance your experience in, this chat window provides instant product support. Describe a flow you would like to build, ask a question, or try an example query, and the Knowledge Bot will provide a concise summary of the information you’re looking for. It will also link to related Help Center articles, all within a maximum response time of 10 seconds.

Receive real-time assistance directly within the platform, greatly reducing the time and effort required to browse external resources, and accelerating your path to meaningful results.

For more information, see Understand the Knowledge bot.


Natural language search

To streamline your resource creation process, simply describe your use case and let Celigo AI present you with the most suitable flow step options, pulling from both your existing resources and the Celigo Marketplace. This feature reduces the time and effort required to find the perfect match for your desired outcome, improving accuracy and enhancing overall efficiency. 

For more information, see Retrieve flow steps from existing integrations or Marketplace using a prompt.


What's enhanced

Auto-mapper UX enhanced

The auto-mapping functionality has been updated to streamline your mapping processes even further. Now, when configuring mappings, you can choose from three direct options to auto-map all fields, a single specific field, or multiple specific fields, ensuring quicker setup without the need for manual prompts.

Additionally, Mapper 2.0 has been refined to automatically select all child fields when a parent field is chosen, and vice versa, while preventing changes to already mapped destination fields for clarity and control.

For more information, see Mapper 2.0 (Auto-map destination fields section).

Celigo rebrand

Celigo recently completed a rebrand and is reflecting some of those changes. We updated our logo, and revised the global left navigation to reflect the new palette. The navigation’s architecture remains unchanged, so there are no interruptions to your daily operations.

What's fixed

  • When changing the connection on an import to Amazon in the Amazon Seller Central – NetSuite integration app, the async helper failed to populate the Result export and Status export

  • In the NetSuite Item to Amazon Product Add/Update flow of the Amazon Seller Central – NetSuite integration app, the display name for a custom category could not be updated

  • Flows connecting to a database via the on-premise agent intermittently paused with the error “Blacklisted Host has been closed”

Help Center updates

New connectors

Updated connectors

Updated endpoints:

New articles

Updated articles

Prebuilt apps articles

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